The upcoming Polar War(s)

May 23, 2009 · Posted in Blogroll, Uncategorized 

The Daily Mail has a nice layman’s overview of the political/military ramifications of the gradual melting of the polar ice caps, and the presence of large untapped oil reserves underneath them.

With billions of barrels of oil and a former superpower’s hurt pride at stake, it looks like the battle for the North Pole is ever more likely to be fought not by teams of lawyers, but the old-fashioned way, with a clash of Cold War hardware.

One may entertain the notion that the North Pole may become the next Middle East: A spot in the globe largely unknown and uncared about – until significant energy reserves are located on it.

(Hat Tip: Kobus)


2 Responses to “The upcoming Polar War(s)”

  1. Tukey on May 24th, 2009 11:49 am

    (tongue in cheek) If it weren’t for Mr.Gore we wouldn’t have known that the ice is melting…

    What can a navy achieve in the oil/gas industry, I wonder? Interdict tankers? Blow platforms to pieces causing environmental disaster? Interfere with exploration? It even ain’t the Cod War, am at a loss as to the realistic objectives that can be stated for naval power.

  2. Tukey on May 26th, 2009 6:01 pm

    As if reading my mind, R.C. (also known as Galrahn) publishes the following item . Harassment of oil platforms can be done with paramilitary or special forces, not sure if the good old navy and naval aviation fit into the picture.

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