Command reviewed at Canard PC

October 24, 2013 · Posted in Uncategorized 

Command received a very favorable review at the print version of Canard PC.

It leaves no doubt about its intended audience: the guys who are obsessed with the AMRAAM, the fetishists of SSBNs, the ayatollahs of Tomahawk, those who know by heart the radar ranges of all armies of the Warsaw Pact, and can discuss for hours the differences between the Rafale-M and Rafale-C with a lustful twinkle in their eyes. The amount of military hardware simulated via the huge database of the game is impressive, it is the trophies of the technowarrior in all their splendor.


No other recent title is able to simulate with the same care, detail and realism any naval battle of the last 50 years.

You can read the full review on the print issue #284.


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